Now, who doesn’t want to be a Santa’s helper?
This is one of the greatest Joys for Lion John Wrench. Again this year, John provided thrilled attendees with this great service at the Toowoomba Hospice Christmas Carols night. The weather was perfect, and volunteers brought song, bbq munchies …. and the arrival of Santas Helper to the delight of all present.
Everyone loves to share some Christmas cake and our Lions where regularly seen at Bunnings Ruthven Street greeting passersby and selling Lions Christmas Cakes. The quality of our cakes and puddings have made a name for themselves over the years and customers come looking for the cakes to purchase for themselves and for gifts. The individual slices are very popular.
Our Club supported the “It’s in the Bag” campaign of Share the Dignity which calls on Australians to help ensure women and girls experiencing domestic violence, homelessness or period poverty receive basic essentials to brighten their Christmas. Items requested by Share the Dignity include a handbag or backpack filled with essential hygiene products and some everyday items such as socks, lip balm, a magazine, etc.
Our club donated ten bags filled with items with a total value of $500. Packed and donated were two bags for Mums and Bubs, two bags for Teenagers and six more for women.
We are very thankful that regular bbqs at Harvey Norman and Bunnings provided us with funds to donate to four local support groups to assist them bring Christmas cheer to our most venerable people.
Spreading Christmas Cheer to those in need this Christmas, donations of gift vouchers to a value of $500 each were made to
Each organisation was so very thankful for the donations which will assist them to provide meals over the Christmas period.
Pyjama Foundation – Thanked Wilsonton Lions for support this year for their Kids Christmas Party. Our contribution of hall hire and pizzas made the day a very special time for the 95 children attended the party. They had a ball.
We are very proud to be members of the Lions Family and we are honoured to assist with Humanitarian Service. Following the disastrous recent floods in Spain, the call went out to Lions Clubs worldwide to assist by way of donation.
We donated $1,000 to LCIF (Lions Clubs International Fund) towards flood relief in Spain.
Closer to home, Lion John Wrench and Lions Lady Linda were filled with pride upon the safe arrival of their new Great Grand Daughter, on Friday 06th December. Congratulations John and Linda and we wish you many years of love and happiness as you enjoy your beautiful young family.
Our Lions Mints Team gathered together to share friendship, kindness and lunch. Lion George Cossart and Lions Lady Barb were hosts for the day. Special guest to the lunch was Lion Ray Krause.
Our club Christmas Party on December 07th was well attended by members and family. Newtown Hall was beautifully decorated with coloured lights, table trimmings and a Christmas tree in preparation. An enjoyable meal was provided, and lucky door prizes distributed. Christmas themed puzzles had everyone thinking and drew various comments when the answers were revealed. Nobody was shy when it came to taking photos.
President m: 0402 299 627
PO Box 128
Drayton North Qld 4350
© 2024 Lions Club of Toowoomba - Wilsonton Inc
Site by Wildflower House